
User Rating: 1.6 | Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green PC
This game was the worst zombie game ever, and i've played Blood II: The Chosen. Seriously here's the game in a nutshell: You're some hick out in hick country and you decide to become the one man zombie slaying army. Now the gameplay was just plain boring. There is no real sense of bullet impact which takes away from any type of immersion that a game could possibly hope to sustain, the physics were clunky and odd, i.e: if you shot a zombie in the legs with the shotgun, while facing it, it would do a BACKFLIP. That's right, a backflip. It would flip in the exact opposite direction that the bullet impacted it. The graphics were ugly... like real ugly. The multiplayer was laggy and boring. The mods out there for it don't improve the game in any way really. It's just an atrocious game. Such a letdown, such a huge letdown.