Definitely a game for the fans! Not for the hardcore FPS Players! Enough to give zombie fans their fix!

User Rating: 6.1 | Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green XBOX
I play a lot of FPS, and would definitely consider myself a good FPS player,
This game definitely grew on me the longer i played it, but then again i am a huge zombie fan especially of romero's films.

This game grew on me due to that fact, It follows romero's zombie rules quite well, Unfortunately a lot of the zombies do look the same, not much variation is used.

There is a fair amount of blood in the game but certainly not enough for a game this style, it also needs a lot more zombies in packs instead of 4 or 5 at the most (experienced up to date on the 3rd level) But what I do like is the fact that the zombies do keep getting back up, you can blow off arms, legs and cause damage to the torso without killing them, ultimately you have to shoot the head and damage the brain to keep them down. This follows the rules greatly that romero set out.

The sound is ok, music tends to be very repetitive, and slightly TOO movie style for a fps game, Zombies gurgle and scream, but again this gets repetitive, Weapons sound OK, But again, it all sounds like low quality compressed audio has been used.

From a FPS Perspective, the graphics certainly aren't up to the par that it can achieve. Compared to doom 3 that the xbox can achieve, this is certainly similar to half life 1 graphics. The weapons are mediocre, Nothing that stands out, nothing that makes you go "wow!", The hand to hand weapons seem to cause a lot more damage than the firearms, For instance, i can take a zombie out in 2 shots with a bat, but it will take around 8 22' rounds to take out the same zombie. Bit unrealistic.

A lot of the level designs are closed in, not many big open spaces, which i do like in games as i like to explore, The level design seems very "corridoor-esque" Apart from a few levels at the beginning.

The game is definitely addictive for fans of the game, I being a fan have got addicted to trying to get through the levels to see if something great from the series pops up, Sometimes i've been pleasantly suprised, othertimes i've been ploughing through in the hope that i do find something!

I got the game for free, so I can't complain, it was worth a play through.

If your a hardcore zombie fan, check it out, If your a hardcore fps fan, Get doom 3 or half life 2!