It's horror, but in a very bad way presented...

User Rating: 3.5 | Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green XBOX
At first I thought... Hmm, promising... But after a few hours playing, it came to realise me, that this game stays on certain grounds the same. Level over level... The snipe-shooting part was essentional to keep me away of bad thoughts about this game, but after that session, it quickly crawled back... It's so bad, that I have placed it amongst other bad type games in it's genre: Conspiracy - Weapons of Destruction and Sentinal... But face it, it's a game with ZOMBIE HORROR! I am a fan of all zombie movies... But in this case, the movie is better than the game... Even "House of the Dead 3" makes a better score in my collection.

So... This was it... Won't use more words for this game, otherwise it scores to much of attention, which it definately NOT diserves....

Greetz Soulcrafters!!!

Vantazzy ( sardax )