This game is perfect for on the go.

User Rating: 8.5 | Puzzle Boy GB
First off you need to like puzzle games so if you don’t then do not go looking for this game. Secondly, I had a lot of fun playing this game. I did play this game at least 10 years ago and I still have good memories about liking it. There are three ways to play the game and they are called going up; which has 3 levels to choose from which are easy, average and hard and 10 floors to choose from. From there you choose the diagonal view or the bird’s-eye view. The second is called heading out with the level choice like before and then you check how many rooms you want in your course up to 99 rooms after this you pick the view you want. Then the last mode is vs mode. I must say that I didn’t see a second player after I finished a room so I am not sure about that part. I just now started up the game to refresh my memory and my memory serves me correct that I loved this game. The rooms get progressively harder but not so hard that it becomes frustrating. If you want to start the room again just hit the A button to restart. The game is a gameboy game and the different hues of green are fine, it doesn’t leave you with wanting something more.. If they made another one, I would play that one too. Like I have said before with games like this, this type of game is great to play and put down and it is there to play no matter how much time passes by. Because it isn’t an RPG that you have to remember the layout of the world type of game.
A game that is similar in game play would be Boxxle, which I have had lots of fun playing too. The music is a happy little jingle that you can turn off if you wish. Bottom line this is a fun game to pass the time.