Nice offer being free... but Kuma is just cool at first sight, intersting at second thoughts and boring at the end...

User Rating: 5.7 | KumaWar PC

Soon I got my hands downloading Kuma I must say I was expecting something more challenging, indeed was a bit of challenge on the first missions where we didnt got all functions and tactics ideas...
But after around 10 missions the things started to get boring... and boring... them we download the next mission, and stills boring...


For me the main is because the difficult level madness... belive or not the mission ONE is the hardest missions of the first 10 missions... when I got this feeling, I wonder if that could be becuase on the mission 1 I was just learning, them I went back to play mission 1, and yes, it is hard... harder them the mission 34 that I was playing by the time, just to get the picture....

So, if the challenge doesnt raises, just remains the same, you realy lose some interest... I did.

Funny it can seems, at the end I was more enjoying to watch the mission videos them playing them... the videos are VERY cool... and at the end thats the only thing that is cool there at the end...

Being free, I must say that people shuould try if they have nothing else to do in a thursday afternoon, It is very fun at the begging.

Best regards
