A great premise doesn't hide the fact that this free fps is just not worth your time.

User Rating: 4.5 | KumaWar PC
The premise sounds very interesting-playing out the battles of the ongoing Iraq War that you probably saw on the news over the past few years.

But for lack of a better wording,

this game just plain sucks.

The AI is absolutely brainless, both allies and enemies. The enemies almost always do nothing but stand and shoot, and wait for their turn to be gunned down by you.

Also, don't be fooled: there's absolutely no realism in this game. In such a complex and technical war as the War in Iraq, you're not doing much more in this game than walking around and gunning insurgents down. Don't be duped by mission descriptions that say things like 'search house to house for weapons and confiscate them'; you're just going to be shooting enemy after enemy, as if you're Jack Bauer rather than an American soldier. There are also ridiculous situations, like when enemies continuously spawn from the same area (indoors, mind you), making it impossible to secure a structure because there's just no stop to the flow of enemies.

The graphics are bland, and it's a disappointment that the developers had such a great engine (Valve's Source engine, which was used in Half-Life 2) and then totally ignored the potential awesomeness that could have been created. Instead, levels are just plain boring to walk around in.

This game doesn't have what makes shooting games fun. Multiplayer is a been there, done that affair, blasting enemies in single player just isn't as satisfying as it should be, and there overall is no incentive to delve into the game's 75+ missions.

Yes the game has over 75 missions, which you have to download individually. Do NOT expect to play every single one; not very many people have the patience to wait a few minutes before every single mission starts.

The developers had good intentions, and a great idea of taking real life battles in Iraq and creating a game out of them. There are even times during gameplay where the intensity actually does climb a bit. The developers just didn't seem to try that hard to give you, the player, an overall great gaming experience.

I can't help but put it simple: Kuma/War isn't that fun.