Acclaim makes terrible Simpsons games and Krusty's Super Fun House is no exception.

User Rating: 2 | Krusty World SNES
Well out of all the other Simpsons games that acclaim made, Krusty's Super Fun House should come as no suprise that it's gonna suck, because it did. You're trying to get rid of these rats and they're often a pain to get into the trap where one of the Simpson's characters can destroy them. Why is it that Krusty can't do it himself, like stomp on them like Mario would stomp on a Goomba. There's also some enemies that you fight in this game, such as snakes. It'd be cool if you could punch them like in Nightmare on Elm Street, but you throw pies at them instead. The pies could be annoying at some enemies because they would go over them like the rock in "Friday the 13th". There's also the balls which I kind of like better but they would bounce over the enemies where you'd be wasting those things.

You want to know what's really weird about this game. They gave this game a SUICIDE BUTTON. Yup, if you press the select button, Krusty passes out and you lose a life. I've never heard of a game that has something like that, who knew you'd get a game like that, and with a game this awful, you might as well commit suicide, whether it's in real life or in the game.

Although I will give you a positive note. You could turn off the music in this game by simply pressing the "L" button and turn it on with the "R" button. Nothing's wrong with the music, it's just something that more games with awful music could use.

Overall, this game's a pain to beat, I used a password to beat it so I could beat it, the ending sucked too. Man why can't they release a GOOD Simpson's game on Nintendo consoles. Like the arcade Simpson's game, that was a complete difference from the awful-butt acclaim games which you've seen Angry Video Game Nerd review a couple. I give this game 2.0 out of 10. Yeah, it makes Bart VS the World look like a good game (that's another Simpsons game I used to have). Goodbye kids, see you on my next review.