Its an amusing game, and its free. But it boils down to a simple platformer.

User Rating: 5.8 | Knytt PC
Knytt is an interesting little game. When you crash land on an alien landscape its up to you to guide a little guy around to find the missing pieces of your spaceship.

The game is really nothing more then a confusing platformer. You run, jump, climb walls, and thats about it. Your following this little beam of little that you can shine out of your head and trying to collect spaceship parts. The world is full of little people that are easily mistaken for enemies which don't impact the game at all. Really nothing impacts the game. You just mindlessly explore, it seems like there might be a lot that you can do, but there isn't. You can't talk to people, you can't swim, you can't do anything but explore.

The graphics in the game sometimes apear better then others. Your character is cute and lovable but when he is climbing walls he is really poorly animated. The backrounds range from being pretty and atmospheric to looking like something out of the original super mario.

The sound is really pretty good for a free game, but its just music, footsteps and wind blowing. People don't talk, lava doesn't make a bubbley sound, ect.

In the end this game is free so you might want to check it out. Its an amusing and pointless platformer, but it seems really empty and dull.