Why is Knight getting like this? I can't believe it.

User Rating: 7.2 | Knight Online PC
I have been offline from Knight Online for at least a month now.. I reciently re-installed it again and to my surprise everyone has quite the mouth attatched to their El Moradian and Karus Characters. I was appaulled to see PMs sent to me telling me that I suck and I'm a noob while I have been playing for well over a year now. I was discusted by the rudeness of most "high level" players in the abyss, and how rude and nasty they were to me and other fellow level forty to fifty players. It just isn't fun anymore when your constantly being killed over and over again by other players.... I'm just here to have some fun, not to start a war like El Morad and Karus.. Can't we all just get along? It seems to me that No... we can't because some ingnorant people think the game is theirs just because they have advanced more than most due to "NO Die" Auto Loot, and Auto Shoot". Well I say play the game like it was meant to be played and don't get caught up in the ignorance of downloaders.... Im just not impressed and I think people should be a little more friendly when it comes to lower leveled players. I personally had a hard time starting out and still have a hard time being Level 42 for christ's sake. Don't you remember how hard it was to start out? You should be ashamed of yourselves putting other people in your shoes when they didn't ask for it...Lowering yourselves to that level of retardedness? Please people, you dont OWN the game... we all do and please let us all play in peace instead of making it harder for the new people. It almost seems like hazing to me and i think the Highschools and work places banned it for a reason.. it hurts feelings and takes the magic out of the experiance. I know mine and many other's experiance has been ruined due to cocky attitudes, and people who dont want to play fair. I can't believe in a month all the fun could be sucked out of a great game due to people who don't want to play fairly.