Klonoa for the WII is a remake of the PS1 classic, whos name i forgot, its a great ride that you cant afford to miss.

User Rating: 10 | Kaze no Klonoa: Door to Phantomile WII
Literally you cant afford to miss its 30 bucks. HI guys im back after A LONG TIME!! to review a game. The game is a remake of the original Klonoa on the PSX. Klonoa:WII is my second. fav. WII game and it is just plain fun,

Story-Klonoa even though rated 3+ for PEGI and E10+ for ESRB, is an extremley sad game. Many deaths happen, some plotwists and you can feel emotion in it-some storys know days are just missing , small games can match it in fact the only game i think CAN match it in emotional feel is GOD OF WAR. But aside that its a story that you will be hooked on for many years to come.(PSX memorys ah you gotta love em right?) SO this guy called Ghadius kidnapps "The songtress", With his evil sidekick "Joker" they set out to conquer the world. Theres only ONE SMALL thing stopping them. Klonoa and huepew two young kids, out to save the "dream world". can they do it, or will they fall to there death?

Gameplay-You know Klonoa mught be the only console game out there besides LittlebigPlanet thats pure 2D gameplay, its only flaw:its 4 hours long.Yep but there is some cool extras like boss attack witch is awsome, a backwards mode which is chlalenging and 3 new suits for Klonoa once you beat the game, and you could replay the story and cry...AGAIN!!!!!!!!!Also there 4 controls types i like the Classic Controler most and WII mote+ nunchuck least. the other two are gamecube and SIDEWAYS WII mote.

Graphics/Desgin-Klonoas graphics rivals that of Super SMash Bros Brawl , which is a great thing, it looks better than the PS2 one even, and a huge step-up form the PS1'S 2D ones.It just looks AWSOME!!

Sound/Music-Klonoas music is awsome , and so is the cast,.THE VA offer good VA , and the music is just addicting to listen to.

Leraning Curve-Using GC controller,CS controller, or WII mote its very easy to learn.

Overall-Klonoa WII make is a fun, amazing expierience, with nice 2D gameplay, awsome graphics and an amazing soundtrack,Klonoa is a good game ot pick up for a cheap 30 bucks.

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