Klonoa is simple and easy, but this pure platformer packs something for everyone.

User Rating: 7.5 | Kaze no Klonoa: Door to Phantomile WII
- Fun, straightforward platforming appeals to just about everyone
- Great-looking graphics
- Simple gameplay mechanisms

- … although too simple for its own good
- Too easy for most parts

Klonoa is a classic platformer, which successfully adapts for the Wii. This classic platformer is too easy and too simple, and appeals more to children than older audiences, the gameplay is still fun while it lasts, and the updated visuals are impressive. Despite the ease, and relatively short length, anyone who can enjoy a platformer will enjoy Klonoa for most parts.

The new Klonoa happens to be the remake of a 12 year old Playstation game, so don't expect much more than simple story telling, and since it is aimed for children, don't except any engaging narration either. Like many platformers, Klonoa stars a non-human protagonist, Klonoa. After he awakens from a dream (a vision), terrible things start to happen. Now it is time to stop evil and save the world, perhaps? The plot is easy to get into, but the story isn't much worth. The cutscenes are all full-motion, with good and clean voice acting and good dialogues as well. The game is set up in visions (instead of missions), and there aren't much, and each stage doesn't take a whole lot to complete. To make the game longer, you can try to obtain everything each stage has to offer.

Like I mentioned, Klonoa is a bare simple platformer. Unlike other platformers you may have played Ratchet and Clank, Sonic etc, Klonoa's gameplay only of jumping, grabbing and tossing the enemy. Simple, way too easy, but it is fun. High platforms would be a problem if Klonoa didn't have the ability to grab the enemy with the B button, and then jump and jump again with the A button to jump even higher. Enemies rarely pose a threat with only a few attacking you, while the others just protect their area by just moving in it. The game is 2D most of the time, just moving left and right. There is some mixture with 3D, so the game isn't fully 2D. You are rarely given space to move other than left or right though.

Although normal enemies are easy to deal with almost no effort, the bosses may require some trial and error. Don't get me wrong, the bosses can be breezed through in no time, especially since before each boss, someone might give you a hint to where you have to hit. The need of precision and aim is important to nail the boss down. Since Klonoa can't fight, you have to toss enemies towards the boss. The boss has a number of hits you need to nail. Klonoa also has a limited number of times that he can be hit by enemies. If his life (hearts) goes to zero, you lose a life, this happens even if you fall, and there are a lot of holes to fall into. Extra lives can be obtained by collecting the crystals found in the game. If you fall you restart back to where you last hit the clock.

The graphics have received an obvious major overhaul from the original game. The visuals are clean and charming, and cute too. It may be nothing out of this world, but for younger audiences it is a simply beautiful game to look at. The voice acting is simple as well. The music isn't a wow, but it fits the game's theme.

This classic platformer packs some fun in its simple design and easy difficulty and that is while it is more than playable for anyone. There are barely any frustrations at all. The relative short length and little replay value will certainly limit the appeal, but for those who have been searching for a pure platformer for a long time, well Klonoa is one such game that shouldn't be missed. But also those who want to spend some money on a relaxing game that will be beaten in a short amount of time, or just want a good rent for the weekend; this classic platformer will do right.


Graphics = 8.2
Charming and clean visuals. Major overhaul received from the original, but always good to see how a game can be renewed from the old times.

Sound = 7.7
Nothing to look forward to, the voice acting is plain and simple, but the music is good overall.

Presentation = 7.8
The game's theme is more appropriate for children. The cutscenes look good and the loads are fast. The controls are great, so no one will have trouble jumping, or falling.

Gameplay = 7.5
It is a pure, classic platforming. The gameplay consists solely of jumping, grab and toss the enemy. It is still fun, but it is too simple and too easy.

Story = 6.7
You probably won't play Klonoa for its story. It is easy to get into and is over before you know it. Barely challenging as well.

OVERALL = 76 / 100
Klonoa is simple and easy, but this pure platformer packs something for everyone.