Tons of unlockables, Lots of Colorful levels, Cute storyline, And family friendly,Makes this a must have for any gamer.

User Rating: 9 | Kirby's Epic Yarn WII
Side-scrolling platformers have been around for such a long time that it can be difficult for even the best entries in the genre to stand out from the crowd. Kirby's Epic Yarn avoids this pitfall by presenting an irresistible visual style that pushes you to see what delight awaits beyond the next fold. But Kirby's latest adventure doesn't let its fabric-themed world do the heavy lifting while the gameplay unravels under the pressure. Expansive levels and a wealth of diverse mechanics inject variety into this quest, making it as much fun to jump and swing your way to the ending bell as it is to marvel at the striking aesthetics. A few control issues sometimes get in the way of your carefree fun, and the overall ease with which you can tear through the story levels strips away the pulse-racing satisfaction of a hard-fought victory, but Kirby overcomes these missteps with sheer imagination and a plethora of enticing content. With loads of minigames, hidden levels, and even an aggravation-free cooperative mode, Kirby's foray into the land of yarn is bursting with joy.