Don't waste your time, especially if you're a fan of the original series.

User Rating: 5 | Kirby's Epic Yarn WII
If any of you are like me, the prospect of a new kirby game is incredibly exciting. Kirby has always been a responsive, fun platformer about varying your abilities to dispatch enemies throughout a course. Tons of replayability should you desire to go through courses with different powers, or maybe using non at all. Incredible control over kirby with infinite flight and long inspired courses. Not anymore. This game is a facade and will bore you to death.

You realize this isn't a kirby game when you first pick up the controller. You can't fly infinitely and you cannot absorb powers. I thought being stuck in "regular form" with the whip throughout the regular game may be enticing, since I had been inspired sometimes to go through levels without sucking up any powers (using enemies as projectiles). It's not. It's crappy mario -2.0.

This wouldn't be so bad if the game wasn't completely devoid of challenge. Earlier enemies in the game are so pathetic that you can run into them and they bounce off of you, struggling to get up before kirby's yarn might. Later enemies in the game are predictable, and easily kill-able either with the ground pound or a yarn whip. However, because the game is absolutely devoid of challenge the well designed levels go to a waste. It turns the game into an unstimulating version of collect the gems. A 2D lego game. After going through levels mindlessly droning through them (because you can to get through this game) you will begin to ponder WHAT IS THE POINT.

The only redeemable quality is the very interesting and creative detail that went into the animations and the textures. There's variety in every world and most levels, and the game believably conveys being played on a piece of fabric. The music in some levels are great as well, but most of them are lacking in naturally upbeat kirby tunes (ironic, considering my favorite song is the fairly subtle lava landing ).

Kirby games have always had a great deal of variety and creativity, but those variables go to waste on a game devoid of challenge and stimulation. If you are a kirby fan, do not get this game. Keep playing the older games and enjoy their responsive, varied action and gameplay. If at the very least you could fly and absorb abilities, this game wouldn't have been so bad. It's just disappointing seeing a Kirby game brought to such low heights.