One of the best Kirby games yet.

User Rating: 9 | Kirby: Triple Deluxe 3DS

I've always been a huge Kirby fan ever since I put Kirbys dreamland into my Gamboy,and even now when playing games such as Kirbys Epic Yarn which turned out to be a lot better then I would have expected, even Kirbys return to dreamland was a lot of fun, so when I saw Kirby's Triple Deluxe I knew for the most part that I was going to like this game, but again I thought it was going to be just an average Kirby game, but it wasen't it was another great experience and I truly really liked this game.

Story:As I've mentioned in countless Nintendo reviews their isn't much to say when it comes to story in these type of games, sure this can be seen as quite a flaw but since Nintendo has done this for a lot of their games. I guess whatever.... I don't know I don't care if it doesn't have to much of a story as long as the gameplay is really good and this game is no exception to that. So the story is King DeDeDe is captured by Tarzana someone we know nothing about but I will explain more about him later. Kirby must go up a beanstalk to save him, like I said not much to say.

Presentation:When it comes to presentation again as I've mentioned in practically every Nintendo review i've made it's never a problem it's always great no matter what game you play, and again this game is no exception, this game looks absolutely phenomenal by itself not to mention it looks even better in 3d, there is a ton of variety in this game which makes the visuals even more impressive, the soundtrack is also great, their our a lot of memorable tracks, would I say it's one of the best soundtracks in the series probably not but considering that a lot of Kirby games have some of the best music in video games alone, still doesn't say that, that is a bad thing, the soundtrack is still very good. The presentation is very good not the best you will see in the series but nonetheless still very good.

Gameplay:it's your usual type of Kirby game, you go through a level by sucking up enemies and absorbing their powers to beat up other baddies, sure it's the same old formula as it usually is but it still is so much fun in this game. You have new power ups along with older power ups in this game, obviously the old power ups are great but what about the new ones? Well most of them are pretty good this time around, sure there are some that are not that great but their our still some memorable ones that took some actual thought into them, like the circus ability sure it's not the best power up ever but I still really liked this one and I thought it was really creative and their were also many others that had some creativity to them, so the new power ups in this game are actually pretty good. In each level you got three collectibles this is a usual Nintendo staple in not only the Kirby series but a lot of their other games, their ours some creative puzzles to get some of these but are they all worth getting... maybe if you want to complete the game but they are a bit tedious to go back and get. When it comes to difficulty their isn't a whole lot of difficulty in this game, most people will not have much trouble with this game until they get to the final boss who can actually be quite difficult which I will get to later in the review. Their our only 6 worlds in this game which is a bit disappointing their really isn't a whole lot of levels in this game and you can probably beat this game within six hours which is a bit disappointing also but the time that you do put into this game is worth it, their our a lot of dynamic level designs that make this game a lot of fun, they added a type of 3d perspective to this one and this mechanic has quite some fun to it, not to mention that funny moment where you see Kirby get slammed up right into your face.. or at least it feels that way if you have the 3d turned on. You also get a special power up known as the hyper nova ability this is basically Kirby's ability to suck up literally anything, things that are literally ten times his size at first I thought this mechanic was awesome but I have to admit after using it a lot in this game it does get a little bit old, I wish they would have changed it up a little bit like Kirby's Return to dreamland where they had many different power ups that you could super charge. I mean sure their isn't a whole lot of new mechanics when it comes to this game and I'm sure their could be a lot of people who would argue that this feels like just another Kirby game, and while maybe they have somewhat of a good point, this game is just a lot of fun Without sounding like a fan boy, I just had a lot of fun with this game, it doesn't do a whole lot of new when it comes to it's gameplay but it does enough to make the game feel fresh, The gameplay is still as fun as it's always been.

(Spoiler Alert) The final boss you fight is Queen Sectonia she's basically the vine that you have been climbing this whole time, I will put money down that you will not beat her on your first try she can be quite challenging I mean sure not to an impossible extent but I would definitely say that even if you are an experienced player this is not going to be an easy boss battle, Theirs not much to say about this boss because you kind of have to play her yourself she is quite a big challenge and a lot of fun I really liked this boss battle and then in the end it's Hyper nova fruit time Kirby literally eats her in one bite pretty damn satisfying ending huh? Well it turns out this whole time that tarzania had captured King DeDeDe in the hopes that he was the actual hero of Dreamland, to help them, well... that's kind of dumb but I've explained this already, Sure the ending isn't totally phenomenal but the boss battle was really memorable and possible one of my favorite boss battles in the Kirby universe.

Overall Kirby's Triple Deluxe is a lot of fun, if you are expecting some new type of Kirby game you are not going to get that but, that's not necessarily a bad thing with this game, Sure its short but for forty it's not bad and their our plenty of other things to do in this game also so that's great too, I would say if you have a 3ds this is a must own.