This game turned out better than I thought.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning PC
As I played this game more and more,it grew on me more and more. RPG's are generally addicting,but this one was more addicting than most.
The main focus in this game,unlike most RPGs,is the combat and KIngdom Of Amalur:Reckoning pulled it off legendarily. Some may call the combat repetitive but I will say,the developers found a good formula in combat and didn't go very far from that formula. Which made Kingdom Of Amalur a blast to play.
The story is almost the typical one,the protagonist has some exceptional powers and only he and his powers can save the kingdom from imminent danger. But to be honest,I didn't care about the story as I was deeply immersed in the gameplay.There are a lot of side-quests which provide side and co relating stories and a lot of loot.
You have only one character,but with 3 character skill trees. Warrior,rogue and mage,which gives you a chance to make a perfectly balanced character of your choice. And in this game,leveling up is a reward which increases your stats and improves your power in a way that you can not but feel like a demigod while you are wielding a hammer and smashing through the enemies at level 40.
Speaking of enemies,there are a lot of varieties which is an absolute delight. Lots of creatures make way for lots of variation. And these creatures levels are based on areas,meaning you can visit a previously visited area and kill all the creatures easily as you have a high level.
Some might consider the combat linear but I felt like it can and it does have various sides to the combat. Combining three skill trees and hacking-slashing,or even rampaging through mystical creatures with a freezing hammer with the best shining armor and a powerful wand;what else can anyone want?
Kingdom Of Amalur:reckoning will take up a lot of your time if you plan to play it thoroughly. And only by playing it thoroughly you might feel the addiction of this wonderful game.