Fast action RPG with a solid story all in a colorful 3D asian world.. instantly sweet!

User Rating: 8.6 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Finally a RPG for the PSP that uses the machines potential!

The story will grab your attention fast and lead you wanting to continue. The game play is action RPG, so you will find your self mashing some buttons to defeat multiple foes with a little help from friends. Its all martial arts bases where you can learn 5 separate forces. Each type has an opposing strength and weakness so you can switch between them easily during battle. The voice overs are very well done. A slight pause from time to time but really not that noticeable. The world is very vibrant and 3D. A lot of eye candy for sure! Great character modeling and animation. Nothing looks goofy.

So far after 2+ hours of game play.. i have no complaints.

Wonderful game!