First Great RPG for PSP

User Rating: 8.8 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
I was skeptical when i first bought this game , i was really hoping for a good rpg and let me tell you i wasn't disappointed! It exceeded even my expectation and turned out to be one the most enjoyable rpg's i've ever played psp or otherwise. The graphics are awesome with sweet spell effects and moves and a fantastic storyline to boot. I admit at first it's hard to get into because there is a steep learning curve figuring out how chi and bugie works, but once you figure everything out its pretty bad ass. I especially like being able to create my own moves using the freestyle scrolls, this really made the game for me. Its really fun being able to mix and match scrolls to create your own unique combo moves. All in all a very enjoyable experience and definitely worth buying you will not regret it.