It was a bunch of fun. Just had some corny dialouges but that's okay ^_^

User Rating: 9.2 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
This game was pretty cool. The graphics were well done. I liked the fighting system. That was probably the greatest part about this game. There're fun-to-watch combos that you're able to bash the enemies with ((some of which defy the law of gravity but it's a video game -_^)).
It's really interesting that they have voiceovers. Sometimes they talk rediculously fast and the text goes away when they're done talking so you dont know what he said, but when that happens it usually isnt something important. Also i thouht it was funny that the main character plays the sword as an instrament ((Once again.. videogame ^_^)) The storyline gets a bit confusing as you go along, but you're just playing to beat the crapp outta so bad guys right? i thought so! None of the boss fights make it easy to win whitch is great! Challenging games are the best!
The music was okay. Not the best but it was good background music. The chracters themselves looked pretty good. Some combos and good fighting, good graphics, instrumental weapons, and corny voiceovers, Kingdom of Paradise comes out to be a pretty solid game for the PSP ^_^

**thanks for reading!!!! -_^**