Lacks accessibility

User Rating: 7.5 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Overall the game is reasonably nice (and i say this after about 6-7 hours into the game, and about 10 hours actually playing the game)... The main issue as i see it so far is that the combat system is

1) complicated - it really could be a little most refined and simple. Maybe i am expecting it to be frantic, but so far it is ... well mindless, simplistic, but with overly complex controls

2) not well documented - oh the manual tells you all there is to it ... Just not how to do it ... granted you should learn this as you go, and i started playing from scratch figuring i missed something ... sadly i did not, and being beyond where i was before I feel i know a little more, but not sufficiently much

3) not well explained - there is no training. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really in favour of being made to play through the training everytime you start the game, but ... more than a textual explanation with a little bit of you did this right / wrong would be nice.

The animations are nice, the story is (so far) mildly interesting), but the game is hampered by the combat system, and:

-> the camera system ... or lack there of
-> the bad documentation
-> the poor map system ... it doesn't seem to relate too well to the level layout, and place names and directions are more or less hit and miss

To it's credit the game has character .. probably aimed a little at the Dragon Ball fan crowd, rather than Final Fantasy fans ... predictable humour and such, and even though it isn't what i look for in a game i'm still enthused by the game to keep at it ... but ... other games (Daxter, Lumines and OutRun2006) are more suited for grabbing my attention, and are more suited for a quick spin (so it is a little involved as a game, which is good once you get into it).

It's not bad, it's just not great... I want to like it (cause it is nice) but it just is not grabbing me ... Unlike Xmen Legends 2 which i was enthused by, but was just a killer on load times, and just a lot of crap on screen and it didn't get better... so i gave up on it. This i'm willing to give a go and go back t ... but it's gonna need to get better soon...

So far it's fun, and the only real issue is that combat does not make enough sense