EXCELENT this game will have you playing for hours on end wanting more and more.

User Rating: 9.7 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Well i start by saying this game is excellent. it starts when a young boy is cast uot for reasons not yet known. he ends up meeting a girl being chased by earth warriors this is where his adventure begins...

ok the gameplay is amazing in my opinion. there is so much depth. one of the best aspects of the game is finding more attack moves and them combining them together to create super combos that you can use is battle the system can take some getting used to but it is worth it once you get it down. the battles are somewhat repetitive but they are still very fun when you try new combos...

the graphics in this game are amazing for a handheld system. the graphics are far superior to any current DS game that i know of. the graphics are one of the first things i really noticed about this game.