A really addicting RPG and deserves a second one!

User Rating: 8.7 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Kingdom of Paradise is an instant classic deserving a Kingdom of Paradise 2. The gameplay is really addicting making you want to kill more bad guys, to get more bugei scrolls and kenpu. There are plenty of bugei scrolls and kenpu, so you have a lot of fighting styles to choose from.
The graphics are great, making the already great story, even better. Even after you beat the game, it is highly replayable because you want to complete a lot of your uncompleted bugei scrolls. The characters really make the game come alive and won't be forgotten for a while. One of the things that I thought was overkill was Banko, the last boss battle. It took me about 1 hour and a half to beat! It was very repetitive, which made it just drag on.
Kingdom of Paradise is and instant classic and deserves a second one.