Aside from the atrocious voice acting, Kingdom of Paradise is a well presented game with an engaging storyline.

User Rating: 8 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Aside from the atrocious voice acting, Kingdom of Paradise is a well presented game with an engaging storyline. The main thing going for this Action RPG is the unique Swordplay system, where you can literally setup thousands of variations in your attacks. This in addition to the amazing 3D graphics makes this definitely one of the best RPGs out so far for the PSP.

Things that could have been better:
- The game lacks free movement in the cameras, making it essentially a 2.5D game in terms of movement. A real shame, considering the production values and level design of this game.
- Fights are slightly too easy, people will probably revert to using Chi powers over sword play, because they are definitely overpowered.
- Lack of Multiplayer greatly decreases the playability of this game. If only they made a multiplayer game where you duel it out with other people with the various sword skills you have learned, that would have been awesome.