You never thought your child hood could be this awesome until you played this game

User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
First I've got to say that this game and Kingdom Hearts 2 are probably my favorite games I have ever played. The story is one of the best stories conceived by Square Enix knowing some of there games that's saying a lot. The game play for this game is great although at first its simply a hack and slash and if you play it on the easiest difficulty than you can pretty much get through the game via button tapping. However you do gain massive customization with your abilities later on and they are needed if you want to do anything against some of the harder bosses in the game. This obviously including the pain that was Sephiroth . Anyway the game is the perfect mesh of your childhood Disney characters and the characters that come from Square's pocket. Te music can be a little strange at times as it goes from happy go lucky Disney to music to adrenaline inducing music once you get in to a battle. However the main theme song for this game Simple and clean is catchy as all Hell, and is one of the best songs Ive found in a game and is now on my Ipod. This is the game that spawned a series of 6 going on 7 games. This game I would recommend to anyone and played through multiple times as that's just how great it is. I've played through it twice now once on easy and once on normal, and am now debating if I want to give up some humiliation to attempt hard... Hell, I'd play that game just for the oblivion keybalade ;)