Though it does have its flaws Kingdom Hearts is one of the best RPGs to date and will have you coming back for more.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Ok guys its been quite awhile since I have played my ps2 but I played through this one enough to give it a fair review.

Kingdom Hearts is one of the best RPGs available for any system thanks to its characters, its in depth story and its fun addictive combat.

Story: The story begins with you playing a boy named Sora, at first Sora doesnt seem like the hero type, but silly clown shoes or not he ends up being a great character in the end. You live on a small island with (surprisingly) a few Final Fantasy characters and a couple of new friends. When darkness overcomes the island your character is given a weapon called a Keyblade which can destroy the heartless (creatures made when others lose their hearts). Along the way you will meet many Disney characters and if your a fan of any Disney movie you will love that. The story is great, a perfect 10/10.

Worlds: Ok guys, let me start off by saying most of the worlds are great in this game, but by personal preference there are 1 or 2 I dont like at all. Meeting and helping characters like Cloud (FFVII), Hercules, Tarzan, Peter Pan is a blast and each world offers a different type of gameplay. In Peter Pan's world you can fly while in Tarzan's you can surf trees, its all very fun but some worlds lack in the fun part. The Little Mermaid world is uninspiring and the Aladdin world could have been so much better, but all in all they can all be fun depending on what you are into. 9/10

Characters: Like in any movie, game or book there are always annoying characters, while most characters are great like Sora, Rikku, Leon etc. some of them are just plain annoying. I am not gonna name all that I liked and didnt like, but the main thing is the main characters are very likeable, you root for Sora to win, the final boss is someone you will love to hate and there are many great moments along the way, your attachment to these characters makes this game great. 10/10

Music: The music was good, it could have been better, sometimes its hard to be serious when its playing happy go lucky music than you get attacked and it goes to deeper darker music, the transition is rough and some music just doesnt fit, however the opening and closing song (Simple and Clean) is great, I have it on my iPod just because its so catchy. All in all the music gets a 8/10

Gameplay: Basically its a hack and slash game, you have your normal attacks, but along the way you gain new skills from various people you meet. You can summon Disney characters like Genie, Simba and more and Goofy + Donald make good partners most of the time. Donald will sometimes heal you just in the knick of time and though neither are great fighters they do help if you know how to use them. Combat is flashy and fun, it rarely gets boring though it can get tedious later on if you get into this game you will find yourself trying to level to beat the hardest enemies in the game, The Titans from Hercules, and....DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNN!!!!! Sephiroth!!! You will need to be atleast level 96 to beat Sephiroth on hard difficulty, I was 99 and still took me an hour or 2. He is tough but beating him is a great accomplishment.9/10

All in all guys this is a great game and even though more and more are coming out only Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II continue the main story, if you like Disney characters, RPGs, Final Fantasy games or just enjoy a good story this game is definantly worth a try, but I warn you you might want to buy the second one with this one because as soon as this is over you will be rushing to the store to get it.