Its actually an awesome game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdom Hearts II PS2
Okay, i know what your thinking "Disney characters and final fantasy characters combined with a storyline, that's a pretty ridiculous mix." That's what i thought too, till i actually gave it a try. Kingdom hearts was a great game with a really good story line, I was amazed about how fun it was to play even though it would bring the kid out of you playing with Disney characters but if you have fun with it, its pretty funny. Even though they had to make the final fantasy characters a little more toonie to fit in with the game play they're attitude's are pretty close to the final fantasy characters we know, for the most part. and even the kingdom hearts characters were good, pretty good story between each characters to, nothing to boring about it and i thought it was very well done. If your a fan of Final Fantasy, and a fan of Disney even, you should give this game a chance I did and i loved it.