Gamespot only gave this a 6.7?

User Rating: 8.8 | KOF Maximum Impact PS2
This game is better than the staff score says it is. Well on to the review:

Gameplay: Almost perfect. The only problem is that you can't choose a tag-team like you can in every other KOF game. I believe the is the first one where they have normal combos. The gameplay does resemble DOA a bit Rating: 9/10

Graphics: Pretty Impressive. Not quite as the graphics in Tekken 5 and DOA: Ultimate though. Probably on-par with Tekken 4's graphics. Rating: 9/10

Sound: I was never a fan of the music but it's okay and the sound FX and voice acting are decent. Rating: 7/10

Value: This game is fun. Their's stuff to unlock and lasts a while. Rating: 9/10

Tilt: If you are a KOF fan or a fan of fighting games in general you might want to check this out. Rating: 9/10

Overall Rating: 8.8/10