Instead of Blowing the Genre out of the water , KOF:Mi decides to stay in the rubber dingy , until help comes along

User Rating: 6 | KOF Maximum Impact PS2
In writing this review first thing that should be said , is that im a casual fighting game gamer. I dont usualy look for things in games such as techinacl gameplay , combos , and other stuff. when im looking for a Fighting game , i look for Gimmicks , Graphics , action and something fresh.

The gameplay in KOF:MI is good , its no where near as "fun" and "advanced" as tekken 5 , but its fast and pacts a entertaining punch. If there ever was a 3d fighting game that played like a 2d fighter this is it , action is fast , controls are tight , and combos are far more easy . Graphics are impressive in the sense that they make the action look clean , fast and fun ,with a whole lot of Japanese Influence . Animations are smooth and the framerate runs at perfection . Fighter models look skinnier than your average DOA or Tekken 5 , but that makes KOF :MI stand out. levels are beautiful and spacious . Costume choices for the KOF'ers are not as impressive as the graphics , alternative costumes just plain suck , if you ever wanted to play as a dark-skinned Clark still in boxing gear , or a nerdier-than-usual Iori , you will find them here . I understand that a interesting new element to this game was to give your favourite KOF'ers new looks , but they just went a tad to far , with different hair styles and skin colors , that just dont make sense.

Audio is pretty dull , Voice overs are all in cheesey fake american accents , and music/sfx is the usual 3d fighter boring standard.

If your into Fighting games where you play for hours and hours , KOF:MI isnt for you .
If your looking for a Fighting game to make your Ps2 collection deverse...Kof is worth a try. (The added DVD with the ps2 version is nothing to get exicted about , it would of been interesting to have some backstory movies on the fighters , but what you get is a screen of rolling txt and voice over. a Few bonus Developer interviews are thrown in , with some woman trying to tell us that KOF:MI is the greatest game ever.)