So bland! rent b4 u buy.

User Rating: 4.4 | KOF Maximum Impact PS2
Not a regular KOF game player...Have tried a few older series on Arcade and found them quite simular

Gameplay - Very sluggish and frustrating...the controls are not the greatest wasnt very pleased when you compare this to other titles such as SF3.

For a 3D fighter i was really disappointed...although i only paid about $15 for this game used it was worth the price...i guess u get what u pay for.

Graphics are nothing special and the sound needed some improvment...When playing this game on a 46" TV and full Dolby surround sound makes u want to play it on mute.

I dont know what other reviewers are talking about when theres a lot to play on this game and unlock...Wow you can unlock other uniforms and like 3 levels! thats it! and only one character to unlock is not someting to look forward to.

And i found the Last Boss in Story mode(forget his name) to fight VERY cheap! almost every special he does results in losing 50% of your health and took me several tries to beat yet i flew thru the previous fighters with ease.

Rent this game before you buy! diehard KOF fans will probably enjoy it but people new to this series need not apply!