Guerrilla has to let Killzone get some rest.

User Rating: 5 | Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4
Before making the acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn (which I have not played yet), she did the Killzone saga, I played a lot of Killzone from the ps2, but I never did it, and I thought a very good game, already the 2 and 3 I did not I played, when I bought my ps4, Killzone was my 2 game, well I was enjoying it until the beginning, but the game was getting very massive throughout the game, the plot is interesting to a certain extent, then it gets a bit predictable, The gameplay is good, and the graphics also, the characters leave to be desired, and there are moments that are ridiculous of difficult, had 2 moments in the game that I took 3 days to spend, I was very angry, and the end of the game did not It becomes bad, but it's forgetful. Note 57