7.5 Miss opportunity but still fun.

User Rating: 8 | Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4

Here is a clear example of a rushed launch title. For those who care about scores, I'd give the campaign a high 6 to a low 7. and the multi-player a high 9. On Gamespot there were no .5 option so I rounded up and gave it an 8. But be warned it's not Great. it's a little better than good at best.

The story had great potential to move the franchise into a new direction but the execution was lacking a strong narrative and virtually no character development. The protagonist's voice acting was dry, the plot heavy handed and the overall plot execution was a B movie at best.

It did look like the actors playing Sinclare and Echo were really trying to do their best but the material really let them down. Guerrilla should ask Sony if they could have Naughty Dog look over their scrip, directing and editing for their next entry.

As for the game play the beginning started off strong, aside form the bad writing, but near the end, the last third of the campaign felt like they just couldn't come up with anything interesting. It didn't feel like they had the time to flush things out. Instead of something more interesting like the end credit mission, they went for the "traditional" "Boss" fight and wave after waves of enemies like this was made back in the 90s.

Other notable downfalls were the free-fall sections and a lack of clear objectives or instructions. The only saving grace were the gun play, graphics and multi-player which was all Killzone at it's finest. Unlike other shooters, (COD I'm looking at you) the shooting felt outstanding. Being able to place spawn points are back like KZ2 and the balancing is almost perfect. (still needs some patches to nerf some OP weapons like all FPS games.)

Warzone is what Warzone should be. It might be too long for some but I love it.

Overall, this game would have been better if they had more time to develop the story and execution of it. This review might sound negative but it's because I'm a fan of Killzone. I'm hoping for the next one to be better. If you are thinking of playing this game I'd highly recommend renting it. Not unless you want something more out of your multi-player than COD then it's a buy.