A Stunning 3d experience.

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 3 PS3
Right first off my review is primarily based on having played the game in 3D using a Samsung Smart 40' TV. Of all the military type first person shooters out there Killzone 3 is clearly the most improved since the first installment. Sure the story line is a bit naff, the characters a tad boring and enemy foot soldier sterile but for sheer spectacle, sound effects, level design and graphics technology this is clearly amongst the best. The jump from Killzone 2 to what we have here is gigantic and puts the recent COD efforts to shame.

Most other reviews have gone into detail on the controls, story line and armoury so I'll touch upon something else - the 3D. The reason this gets a 9.0 and not 8.5 or less is purely because it you have a decent 3d telly the game is stunning. Like many I've really been disappointed with home 3D - with movies being the main culprit; not because of the technology available but because there just simply does not appear to be that much difference than watching the same footage in 2D. However, with Killzone 3 (and UC3 + M.Apocalypse) you're in for a real treat. The in screen depth is marvelous and you also get the out of the screen effect which is really what I initially though 3D was meant to be about. There is a scene where the guys are aboard a ship and the special effects are jaw droppingly good - almost as if you're there just behind them. My only regeret is that I don't have a bigger telly to appreciate what the developers have done here in 3D (and 2D).