Predictable story line and ease of play does not take away from this fun to play, diverse first person shooter

User Rating: 8 | Killzone 3 PS3
After basic combat training which fits perfectly in to the story (I won't say why, I don't do spoilers if I can help it) you are immediately dropped in to battle and captivated in an immersing game-play, feeling a valid part of your team on the battle field.
The campaign is full and beautiful to look at though actually short in story content. The maps give you a sense of direction without being too linear or looking too similar, and although game-play generally is quite simple if you set the game at average difficulty, this certainly does not distract from the fun of it, though strongly advised to up the difficulty if you're taking a friend along with you or you prefer more of a challenge.
You play the game as Thomas 'Sev' Sevchenko, a true 'no one gets left behind' kind of hero and although at times the story can be predictable, knowing that you are going to go against captains orders to go and rescue people before it happens, the way in which you go off and kick backside can be surprising.
You take control of a vast number of specialized pieces of equipment, from jet-packs and traditional tanks and the 'lets shoot anything that moves' good old fun mechs, there is genuinely a weaponised vehicle for everyone. You also take control of raiders which essentially are like a tank that can fly and has less armour, yet you still do not die more often whilst controlling these.
The game moves itself at a timely pace and varies from parts in which you are fighting with fellow squad members and other parts where you're 'going at it alone' so to speak. Though generally you are doing the former and this although giving you a sense of being on a battlefield and working as part of a team it also makes the game feel too easy.
Stealth options are available at times and useful to capitalize, to stop newly added for Killzone 3 capture soldiers stabbing you in the throat (which is never good). There is also a plant you can shoot that explodes which is also handy when you are low on hand grenades.
Weapon pick-ups are plentiful which again adds to the ease of the game as you rarely have to switch to you secondary weapon unless you desire to.
Online mode is pretty generic and takes scenes from the campaign and essentially you do the usual of running round a map killing people on the opposite team, most kills wins. If you are in to this sort of online play (and it is the most fun online play option available on the game) then this will suit you to a tee, though some maps are poorly designed and you can feel cramped in some of the areas.
Overall the game is perfect for you if you love first person shooters with a half decent story. Yes, I have said it's predictable but I can't reinforce just how much fun it is thinking 'stuff being stealthy' and running out guns a blazing. Plus the creative use of equipment keeps you amused though-out the game.