Some of the Best shooting mechanics mixed with poor characters and story is the deal in Killzone 3

User Rating: 7.5 | Killzone 3 PS3
Ahh Killzone; a series known for its weighty movement and shooting and drop dead gorgeous graphics, can Killzone 3 live up to the hype created by its great predecessor? Well that is a difficult question. After just 7 hours the crazy and beautiful ride that is Killzone 3 was over. Looking back on the game some mixed feelings began to surface. Sure the core combat and shooting mechanisms are just as brutal and immersive as ever with some great set pieces and inventive weaponary. The on rails sequences are produced to Hollwood blockbuster standards and the bosses are bigger than ever. However despite the great first person shooting and the best graphics on the PS3 I was left feeling empty after the credits rolled. There was no great satisfaction that was obtained after defeating Visari at the conclusion of Killzone 2. Without spoiling the ending I will just say it was a touch underwhelming.

Killzone 3 has some superb moments such as sneaking stealthily through a gorgeous helghan jungle, jetpacking through snowy foating oil rigs, and taking down one of the biggest bosses seen in a game. However for all these outlandish moments the story never came together to create the impact of the well paced and constructed Killzone 2. Killzone 2 was more grounded and the story much more believable, though still not great. 3 just comes across as a great experience and a roller coaster ride of one beautiful set piece after another. I feel as though the developer missed an opportunity to expand the gameplay and story of the series.

Overall Killzone is definitely still worth playing because as an audio visual first person shooter it can't be matched. If only the pacing and story came together to create something more than just another Hollywood blockbuster. Especially as we are at a time where gaming is controlled by first person shooter clones. Killzone manages to rise above the pack of FPS with stunning graphics and great gunplay.