I understand if people like this game but...

User Rating: 5 | Killzone 3 PS3
First of all, this review is for single campaign only.
Second, it's a personal thing mostly. I mean, i hated this game because i really don't like the direction it took, but i understand if other people don't mind much about the things i'm going to write.
Game looks awesome, starts great, with lots of different scenarios, and really fluid movements and shooting. Vehicles sequences, best ones being the first two ones, are really great, and you'll feel like you're the one in charge.
Then, the game takes a strange direction. It becomes way harder, and not in a good-challenging way. It's difficult not getting killed, because enemies have the best aim ever, they will always shoot at you even if you have other soldiers with you, they will spot you from absurd distances and flank in really omniscient ways. Btw, if you die, you can be revived by team-mates, but they do it random. Sometimes, even if they're two feet away, they won't revive you for no particular reason.
The two main problems however are of a different nature, and they might not be problems for most of the players. Just in case there's someone out there like me, I'll write them anyway.
1) The game has more explosionrunningjumpingfromledgesshoutingrunningexplosions than the COD franchise. If you like FPSs that proceed with their own pace, it's not the game for you.
2) The game is really, really scripted. In two levels you will find flamethrowers to use, in one the boltgun, in two the arc cannon. There's no choice whatsoever on weapon to use. You'll use what you'll be given, and once the level is over, the game will take the weapons you're using, for no reason at all.
Furthermore, even in big open fields, where it seems you have the chance to decide which way to go in order to attack the enemy lines, there's no such thing. If you don't take the "road" the developers have scripted for you, you'll die. Someone you're sure wasn't there will come out and shoot you.
Summary: you like playing a scripted game with lots of blasts and loud noises? This is one of the best in the genre. But seriously, should a game be like this?