Short on its main story but its multiplayer can be addicting and will keep you busy for hours.

User Rating: 8.5 | Killzone 3 PS3
If you've played Killzone 2 back in 2009 you would say that it was great First-Person Shooter, with gorgeous landscapes and glowing lighting. Plus the E3 2005 trailer which almost everyone has seen online, you can see how far the series has come from the Playstation 2 and then switching to the Playstation 3.

The story isn't that great to follow felt more like watching a bad TV Drama programme on TV. The game begins in medias res from the point of view of (presumably) two Helghast soldiers who have arrived at Stahl Arms Corporation, but this is the tutorial bit. But after that part takes place just after the events of Killzone 2 where Sev and Rico are stilling fighting the Helghast; and stopping the war.

Gameplay: Like most FPS games it's in First-Person and pretty much shooting at whatever is in front of you which will be the Helghast who just want you dead. The left analog stick to move and right analog stick to look at any direction and of course R1 to fire your gun. If you have trouble seeing just use the L1 to zoom-in and zoom-out if your using any sort of gun from a normal rifle gun or even a sniper rifle.

You have a Playstation Move controller you can play the game using the Move controller which is different from using a normal controller, or you can use the Playstation Gun attachment and play it like you are carrying a gun if you wanted to.

But however most of the elements on gameplay are about the same as what we saw in Killzone 2, there are a few new features added in both single-player and in multiplayer. You can use Jet packs which can give you a view above and getting across high places; also features a revamped close combat melee system (called Brutal Melee) which includes new brutal melee attacks as well as the ability to string together multiple attacks in a combo by pressing L1 near an enemy.

Graphics and Sound: I would admit that I don't play many First-Person shooters that often these days, but most of Killzone 2 and 3 had some gorgeous landscapes and glowing lighting. This is what games are meant to look like on a Playstation 3 console. Its story for Killzone 3 is set through various locations like ruins of cities, beaches and the snowy mountains.

Another thing you'll like is during gameplay whenever you got go shot or badly damaged you can see the blood on the screen for a few seconds; and then when you're totally killed everything is in black and white. Co-op play is optional but local only and is hampered by frame rate problems which can be annoying at times but not much of an issue.

If you have a Sony HD TV you can play Killzone 3 in 3D if have the glasses and the TV for it. Soundtrack is bit of a hit and a miss to listen throughout the main story, voice acting is mixed in a bag which a few characters are a little weak on voicing but the Helghast are the star of the series in the black armour and do remind me of the Germans during the history of World War II but instead set in the future. Like most war films it does have some of the best sound effects from explosions, big bangs, wounded soldiers and gun shots.

Overall: There isn't much replay value on the single-player campaign which can take a few hours to finish and it's also easy to obtain a Platinum trophy for it. If you liked Killzone 2 multiplayer you'll be spending hours and hours on Killzone 3's multiplayer; with tons of multiplayer matches and playing against over 24 players online.

With its fun multiplayer, Killzone 3 is enjoyable because it's not just a shooter, it's an experience. Guerilla has crafted scene after gorgeous scene that will make feel like you're a part of a brutal, human war that is somehow fantastic in setting but also eerily reminiscent of the wars we see on TV and movies.