A solid 9.0!

User Rating: 9 | Killzone 3 PS3
First, I'd like to start off with the campaign. The graphics blew me away when I first started the game. There was detail in every little thing which really made me wonder how the game play was going to be. The game play was just as good as the graphics but I felt it was missing something important that would have really put this game past every other shooter of it's time. The story in the campaign was pretty bad. I felt like they just wanted to show off all the different environments they created and so the campaign just went from one battle to the next without any explanation. The controls are pretty good. The only problem I had with the controls were if I was reloading behind cover, it wouldn't let me move if I was getting fired at.

Second, I'd like to talk about the multiplayer. The multiplayer is fun but is not fast pased. The sensitivity of the right stick of the controller does not weaken when scoping, which I find bothersome. There are 5 different classes you can choose from with their own special ability. As you level up you gain unlock points which can spend on buying a better gun for a specific class or strengthening the special ability of the chosen class. The special abilities make the multiplayer a lot of fun which will keep you playing for hours.

Lastly, Killzone 3 is a really fun game with life like graphics, if you are interested i suggest you should get it, its really fun!