the best of first person shooter game forever and no ones can tell no I wasn't a fan of FPS games but because of it I am

User Rating: 8.5 | Killzone 3 PS3
you know i didn't play killzone 2 or 1 but when I saw my cousin has it and when I played it with him I really wanted it so I get killzone 2 from my cousin but because of some little problems I couldn't complete this game but after a year when the third one came I bought it as fast as I could
about game play it's the best FPS which is ever come about graphics if there wasn't any gears of war 3 and uncharted 3(specially uncharted 3) it was the best of 2011 if you don't care about the little bugs in 2D mode which they aren't on 3D as I played
about musics the music which is playing with guerrilla is the best of the musics in the whole world even better than mozart or beethoven
and more and the main menu's music is awesome
The story it was a great Idea which I don't know where sony found a story like this but the shown of story was Bad too bad
there's nothing more to talk about this game but just I can say everyone who has a PS3 buy it no matter how old you are because it's the best game (FPS) in ps3 forever and I tell the parents who has child or children which they aren't in the age to play this game just this one. just it buy it for them because it's gonna be a good experience maybe for their future and the most honor for PS3 and make them to play this game just this one not the others and if you listen to I'm gonna be happy for Thomas sevchenko and SONY and PS3