Though it has a few problems holding it back, Killzone 3 is the best Sci-Fi First Person Shooter on the PS3 to date.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 3 PS3
Killzone 3 proves to be the best first person shooter in sci-fi games available on the PS3. I bought it after reading mixed reviews when it went on sale and have been very glad that I did.

I don't know why so many people have criticized the storyline in Killzone 3. It's not the main force to drive you to play the game and granted, sometimes it gets in the way of the games pacing, but compared to Killzone 2 it's vastly improved. It's no Halo mind you, but it gives you a sense of the fight for survival after the ISA's war with the Helghast. You get sense of the desperateness and perseverance of the ISA forces that have been trapped.

This is a FPS, so you should mostly know what to expect, especially if you played Killzone 2, not much has changed. The controls have tightened up considerably and it is more fun overall. However, this time around we have a lot of unique features added, such as stealth missions, a jet pack (which is way cool) and some wicked cool weapons that you can use to obliterate your enemies. I found the difficultly to be easier than Killzone 2, yet the cover feature seems to have gotten worse as I managed to get shot while hiding behind cover which by very nature should not happen. I understand bombs, grenades but getting shot and killed behind cover, really?? The single player is enjoyable, also offering a co-op mode which is enjoyable, but extremely easy.

The graphics are about the same as they were in Killone 2, however, not every environment is a dark gritty battlefield. The beautiful snow and ice areas are the best, using beautiful weather effects and wonderful textures and lighting. The jungle is a nice idea but looks just so-so in my opinion. the gritty war-torn battlefields you do encounter do look ok, but not as good as Killzone 2. The shading and the textures in KZ2 were so focused on the towns/gritty war torn areas that they just looked better than KZ3, but KZ3 has better variety.

The sound is good over-all, what you'd expect from a main PS3 title and similar in style and focus as KZ2.

Final Thoughts:
I'm not big into multi-player and I found the multi-player in Killzone 3 to be fun, innovative and better in scope and enjoyment than KZ2. The maps are well designed and enjoyable over-all. I really did find the not so great attempt at a story line to be admirable, though I often found it getting in the way of the action and pacing. The story isn't whats going to draw you into this game, it's the incredible game-play and solid co-op/multi-player. The graphics are great and the sound is incredible. If you enjoy sci-fi first person shooters, aren't into zombies and want something other than your typical call of duty / medal of honor first person shooter, than pick this one up.