Single-player is sinking it to hell, but multi-player is rising it to heavens.

User Rating: 8 | Killzone 3 PS3
Hellgans used to be strong enemies... they were tougher then humans, in Killzone 2, they were at the same level, now they are weak... Its no pride, or fun, or whatever to fight them. Its just plain, old: Look how glorious we are. :P
Also, its really hard to die (there is almost always someone to revive you). There is no reason to try your best.
Single-player with its 5 hours (on first try, on hard) was a big disappointment for me.
Verdict - 7,5/10
Multi-player is great on the other hand.
Leveling is just about right.
You can choose equipment, and for points you can buy skills and weapons. Some classes have been removed (Assault), some modified (medic, tactic). And after you get used to it, you will find it greatly balanced.
There is also new multi-player mode - Operations. Im enjoying it a lot.
Verdict - 9,5/10

Total value - 8/10