One beautiful game with horible controls.

User Rating: 7 | Killzone 2 PS3
I was expecting a lot more from this game, since so much build up was made for the Killzone realease. I did not play KZ 2 until years later and thank god I did not spend full retail price for a game that has no story and horrbiel controls.
The game has beautful graphics, that is the only posistive about the game. Every location looks realistic and the water effects are georgues. But beautiful graphics do no make a game great.
The controls are horrible in this game. To aim you do no hold on to shoulder buttons like other fps but instead you have to press one of the analog button. It just takes time to get into the new controls. Also the commands are not responsive enough.
Like I stated ealirer, this game has no story. It tries to incoprorate one into the game, but it is just an excuse for us to start some revolutution agaisnt some "Kurtz" wannabe from the movie Apocalypse Now.
I guess the game can be enjoy, but the battles never feel epic , just boring at times. Just as a player play this game but do not expect too much of it.