Killzone 2 doesn't reinvent FPSs, it just combines the best of them to make one fun package.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
First off, this review is not a compare and contrast between Halo and Killzone. They are for two different systems, and play totally differently. Okay, now, onto Killzone 2. The PS3 has been picking up momentum here lately. MGS4, Resistance 2, and now Killzone 2. I'll be honest, I wasn't impressed by the demo for the game, and I just couldn't wrap my head around the controlls. Now, 3 1/2 months later, and after buying the actual game, it greatly surprised me.

Grapically, this game is stunning. Characters and environments show that the PS3 can pump out some amazing detail. Environments and guns are easily the most destinguishable, and are very well done. Environments aren't going to turn heads because of being colorful, bright, or very open-ended. No. What's going to have you talking is how the places look like actual warzones, with fire, debris, bodies, and bullets flying and falling all around you, in-game and in cutscenes. Characters, especially the ISA, look cool, and each look unique. However, while the Helghast look cool too, you just don't see many different variations of them. In total, you have about 10 different versions to shoot and blow up. The weapon models are great, and are easily distinguishable from one another. My favorite is the standard M82, just because it's modeled after and M-16, my favorite weapon in the world and in games. But other weapons are unique and modeled for the game only. Like the Lightning Gun along with the Bolt Gun. Animations are smooth, and translate well, like going from a sprint into cover. The only problems I have are that there are a few textures that are fuzzy, and a bit of aliasing comes in from time to time,. But the main thing are the in-game loading times. Like in other games, you could be walking down a hall, or go through a door, and the game pauses, sometimes up to 20 seconds, before it loads and finishes saving. That's kind of harsh, but these aren' deal breakers at all.

Sound wise, nothing bad to say, other that the extreme use of language. Every other word is filled with all sorts of colorful language, and would make sailors blush. Other than that, guns sound great, dialogue is cool, even if it has that muscle-head tone, and the Helghast sound neat, with their grunts, screams, and yells coming from inside their helmets with a muffled delivery. Shoot an enemy with the lightning gun and see what I mean. Guns pack a loud thump, and you can even every part of the gun working as you use it. You can hear the hammer striking the bullet, casings flying out of the resevoir, and even the click of the spring in the magazine letting you know when you are about to run dry. Even background noises, like lightning, rain and water, will distract fill your speakers.

Gameplay is where Killzone 2 shines. It takes the best elements from Every FPS and combines it here. You have the sprint of pretty much every game, a knife that is its own weapon, instead of a quick use one (ala CoD4 and WaW), aiming down the sights (CoD), and some very cool reload animations that actually feel like you are reloading instead of either being too fast or too slow. Speaking of slow, everyone complained about the use of "weight" to make it feel like you were a combat soldier with a bunch of gear on, making it slow to turn and move. While this is true, it just takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you are a big CoD or Battlefield fan. However practice,and the new "high precision" patch, will go a long way. I know because, again, I didn't like the demo, but after spending much time with the solo campaign, I grew to love it. Like I said, it doesn't reinvent the genre, Killzone 2 feels solid, and that is more important that new tweaks that could go wrong, or just tweaks that could just be despised.

Multiplayer in Killzone 2 is very well done, and actually can be used as stand alone seller. You have a few different game variants, and the way they are done is worth mentioning. You have Warzone, that is every single game type mixed into one session. The better news is that it's randomized, so you aren't playing in the same order. On top of that, I haven't experienced any lag, so all of the enemies and my hits can't be blamed on lag, only lack of reflexes and skill. How it should be. Plus up to 32 players can be in one match, so you can truely have some epic battles. Along the way, you gain experience points to go toward new character classes and weapons, and badges are awarded for doing specific tasks, like scoring the most kills on your team, or win a round being the last person standing. If you like the way CoD4 and World at War was setup, you will feel right at home. But the differences between the two are also immediately apparant. CoD is a run-and-gun shooter, that can be played tactically. However most just opt for running-and-gunning. Killzone 2 is much more team-oriented, and I have seen and experienced that. My first ever game online in Killzone 2 was a win for our team because we coordinated with each other to take down the enemy, making this a much more tacticle game that CoD, and I love it. But both have their differences, that make each unique.

Overall, Killzone 2 is a rewarding game that shouldn't be overlooked by anyone with a PS3. It's one of the most gratifying experiences, and is a well rounded package. With the solo campaign lasting about 10 hours, a very stong multiplayer component, and very good graphics and audio, Killzone 2 will be talked about for a while to come, and can easily be worth getting a PS3 for alone.