awesome graphics+great gameplay=an incredible experience

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Killzone 2's graphics rumors started back in E3 2005 with a totally pre-rendered trailer that was supposed to show what the PS3 can do, of course the graphics don't look as good as the trailer does, but it doesn't matter because they are almost do, wich is simply amazing!Well, let's start with the campaign:If I were to describe it in one word?AWESOME, it's a mind-blowing cinematic experience that may be a little short, but has some collectibles and new difficulties that will keep you coming back.Next of, the online play:Incredible,32 players matches,no lag gameplay, tons of objectives that help to make the online play in Killzone 2 a highly addictive experience.You sure can expect to have at least 10 hours of cinematic action with Guerrila games' latest, but for some, it can last about 30 hours!