Nice graphics but does it deserved a 9.0?

User Rating: 8 | Killzone 2 PS3
Graphics: 9.0 (the best looking game on console, great animations)
Gameplay SP: 6.0
Gameplay MP: 7.5
Audio: 7.5 (some characters voice acting are horrible)
Value: 8.0

Killzone 2 aka Halo3 killer in E3 2008. In graphics wise, its an obvious yes, in gameplay? not quite.

Graphics in KZ2 is the star of the show. Extremely heavy post-pocessing and shaders the same idea that powered Crysis, but Crysis win hands down in every aspect. i do notice some jaggyness from time to time, and some ingame charaters polycount has been tone down, but this hardly ruin the experience. Hellgast animation are really good

On the downside, SP framerate is choppy during times of intense fighting to a near slideshow. MP however is rather smooth with hardly any hiccups for a 32player match. The game framerate is optimized at 30fps to keep the action on running smoothly.MP framerate is 30fps is still playable until u notice the game is seriously laggy. Often enemy walk pass a rocket blast an only died after 2 sec. In CQC with a shotgun, often ended with both players died simultaneously after shooting each other point blank in the head twice.

SP gameplay and story is pretty much forgettable, they do have great exciting moments. The story in the other hand is pretty much like any other WW2 war movie.
MP in the other hand is fun. A game is able to support up to 32 players with dynamic mission objectives which 2 team ISA vs HG battleout to reach its scorelimit. Objectives are randomized from assassination to capture the flag. This random objective, will force players to change their tactics from time to time as the objectives come by in a fly. Finally, if the game do have some value in its multiplayer and will last for a long time before it can be boring. Although there level grinding, unlike COD, level dont really benefit other than class unlock.

Controls in KZ2 using ds3 are really horrible, from key maping to analog stick aiming.