WIth awesome graphics, gameplay, and other features. Killzone 2 may just be one of the best FPS's ever made.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Since the release of the original Killzone, people have had doubts about the sequel. M being one of those people, thinking since the first one wasnt so hot that the second would be the same. Well man was i wrong and the rest of the gaming world. Killzone 2 is here and it offers addicting campaihgn mode, amazing online play, and a skirmish mode if you just dont have online play.

The story takes place on Helghan instead of on earth in Killzone 2. You plat as one of the Alpha team members Sev and try to battle your way around Helghan with really fun missions. The story itself is kind of forgetablle and the chracters are, unless your a die-hard fan.

The gamplay is fun, intense, and a eye-cacther. The graphics are better on Killzone 2 then any other FPS made before it. The intesnse feeling of actually fighting makes a great way to play. You feel like you, yourself is battling Helghast. The aiming is good but sometimes is annoying, say your click the pad to aim, you have to click again to exit it gets annoying to a very little degree. Another weirdness to the game is the motion. You feel a sense of heaviness in it then other games, but playing for 20 minutes is enough to get rid of the weirdness.

Now this game you going to want to take to the online world. The online is just about up there with COD games when it comes to online intesity and fun. You have up to 7 diffrent missions on the online play. You can cuztomize your chracter to a small degree and earn badges.

Now for people who dont have the online connection fear not you can battle it out with A.I. chracters in skirmish mode, just like the online play you can play againist A.I. This makes for some fun action and entertaing battles.

All in All Killzone 2 is my favorite game. And theres no reason for you not to go to the nearest store where video games are sold and pick up your copy today. This is a truely must play game and possible Game of the Year winner.