War has been perfected.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Without a doubt, Killzone 2 is by far one of the best FPS out there. Just for the PS3, Killzone 2 has similar aspects of Resistance and Call of Duty combined to make the best gaming experience around. The game does have its own uniqueness but you can clearly see the similarities in this game compared to others.

Though I haven't played Killzone of the PS2, Killzone 2 sure did change everyone's respect for the game. The story, last I've heard, of Killzone is that the Helghast invaded the home planet of the ISA. The story of Killzone 2 is just opposite of that. You take the fight to the planet Helghan. The story's "forgettable characters" aren't that really forgettable. I mean really there's only like 4 or 5 people. Hard to see how anyone can forget 4 names. But besides that it's like a pretty simple war story. The most dramatic part always happens at the end.

Killzone 2's gameplay has the most realistic FPS mechanics known to man. Whether you're blasting away a Helghast or slightly adjusting your shot for the perfect head shot with the SixAxis, Killzone 2 won't leave you not only satisfied but in awe.

The graphics of Killzone 2 are comparable to the best such as Dead Space and Flower. Unloading the clip of your M82 into the chest of a Helghast never looked so realistic. Every bullet counts. Blood will pop out of every entry wound brought upon an enemy. The setting has just as much graphical pros as in-game graphics. As you look into the desolate yet ambient backgrounds of the planet Helghan, Killzone 2 will drop your jaw many times.

The sound effects & voice acting, again are comparable to games such as Dead Space and Bioshock. Killzone 2 fits right in with the group of games that it clearly dominates over. Crash landing on the planet, guns blazing, rockets being fired, nukes bringing oblivion, and all sound completely different. All the events of Killzone 2 made me ask myself: How can such destruction sound so beautiful?

War has been perfected. The online of Killzone 2 puts players right in the middle of what war really is. Warzone is the online component of Killzone 2 that thrusts players into changing game types during a match. Just like a real war with never ending missions, the online part to Killzone 2 will have you by the neck. This huge step into the online universe changed everything for me. Rather than having to play one game type then go to the next, Killzone 2 has simplified this horrible cycle.

Killzone 2 is a must own for people who own a PS3. War has been perfected here. And the DLC hasn't even been announced a date yet. But yes, please get Killzone 2. You will get more than your money's worth & enjoy one of the best FPS experiences out there.