if there was only at least one GOOD tactical FPS with a cool cover system, that stays in FPS, THIS IS IT.

User Rating: 9.5 | Killzone 2 PS3
Don't get all skeptical and worried that this game is not for everyone, dont worry because YES the First Killzone for PS2 was absolutley Sh*t, Hell they shouldve called this Killzone 1 and just done a little recap on what happened at the first game.
basically suppossedly at the end of Killzone 1 the enemy Helghast invasion of the planet Vekta failed and thinking they sent all their reinforcement on the invasion the ISA sends their best men to invade Helghan the home planet of the Helghast to wipe them out once and for all and prevent them using a nuke that could kill everybody on that planet, the story is okay considering its all about war but it could be better (high hopes for a better story in Killzone 3).

lets get started on the good stuff as soon as you boot up Killzone 2 is that it's probably the best looking FPS you will ever see until Killzone 3 comes out next month, building will look amazing, the character models will look too real especially Visari in the intro cutscene, he looks too real, and Guerrilla has done a fantastic job nailing the lighting, setpieces, models, explosions, weapon glare reflections, gun shells, the sparks that fly out the end of your weapon when firing looks amazing.
another thing is the weapons, weapons like the M82 assault rifle with a green dot sight, and the electricity gun which is one of the most powerful guns ever in a video game and it has infinite ammo its just a shame you only use it in one level, and another mechanic similar to Gears of war is in this too if a teammate is downed he will holler out to you and you can go up to him press circle and you'll pull out a defribrilator and quickly zap him back to his feet.
and you've got an awesome mech to drive in the second last level and it can act like a transformer run, jump, shoot bullets, shoot rockets, stomp on helghast enemies its alot of fun.
combat is also fun at first it feels sluggish and heavy but it does make you feel like a real soldier with all that armour on, and weapons feel cool and comfortable to shoot, the AI is solid the companions you fight with are funny and are pretty good but they aren't as good as the Helghast soldiers the AI is smart they are pretty good at shooting and they will try to flank you and they will even run at you if they catch you reloading, just like you should do, and they are so funny when you throw grenades at them or blow there limbs off as they will occasionally drop the F-bomb un-expectantly. like Resistance 2 its a tactical shooter its all about taking cover and overcoming your enemies by flanking or total annihilation.
the game does restrict you to carrying one main firearm, a sidearm, grenades and a knife but it does allow you to get creative and try out every weapon, just like Uncharted 2, plus the last resort to get out of a tight squeeze is grenades and a knife montage trust me that little blade is effective, and the game has great bosses with a special way to take them down that you have to figure out to take them down.

if there are any complaints against Killzone 2 is that the game is a bit short but then again it is pretty difficult, and there is no co-op but you always have a smart AI buddy with you in every level which isnt a bad thing and that the last level is F**king HARD, i was lucky to finish that damn thing but the victory of the last boss dying more than made up for it awww that was a sweet death.

but now the thing thats gonna keep you playing long after you finish the campaign OBVIOUSLY the MULTIPLAYER, and trust me you will play this until the release of Killzone 3,
there are 15 maps from the campaign already on the disc an a few more accessable by DLC with 32 players on one map is no joke this is multiplayer thats just as good of that in Call of Duty, except its Killzone and there is a sweet little bleep noise whenever you get a kill which sounds satisfying and never gets annoying, and all up there are 15 ranks to go up which would take days to reach the top rank and its probably the best part of KILLZONE 2.

all and all this is the best tactical shooter to hit the PS3 and will get you ready for KILLZONE 3 which comes out next month.
