not the typical shooter by any means.....

User Rating: 8.7 | kill.switch PS2
this game represents one of the best actual tactical shooters ever made. the gameplay is brisk, and the controls are responsive almost to a fault.

PROs: decent graphics - with detailed backgrounds on every level this is one of the better looking shooters out there.

gameplay - the game controls are easy to learn, and are responsive almost to a fault. the tactical aspects of shooting from behind cover and slow, short advances make for more realism as well. (if you ever play the sport of airsoft, and get to play in a close quarters combat situation, this game makes for a great learing tool for tactics)

weapon selection - all based on actual military issue weapons, all with exacting characteristics similar to the real weapons. and the weapon variety is nice too, with a wide variety of makes and calibers. the recoil action is realistic too.....

CONs: storyline - hard to follow at first. and the characters could be alot more developed than they were. not to mention not very realistic either.

cut scenes - not very good looking or realistic at that. not to mention the bad voice acting. all and all they dont do alot to advance the current story, more of a back story that could be used to make a sequel should there ever be one.

character development - or a sever lack of. they give you these characters and you have no clue as to who they are and what they are doing. all you know is that they are there. not to mention alot of loose ends with them.

all in all this is a very cool game if you like mindless killing. and who doesnt like that??? lol you can pick this up and it will keep you entertained. and by now the cost isnt that much....maybe $25 tops. so it should be worth the value if you like games where firepower is more important than stealth.