Kill.switch is a good game that is a little under developed.

User Rating: 6.9 | kill.switch XBOX
The Gameplay of Kill.switch is solid. It is all gunplay type stuff, but it centers on finding cover and taking out your enemies one by one. If you were to try to be a super hero and run out and attack the enemies who also duck and shoot, you’ll very quickly be shot to death within a matter of seconds. The Gameplay is easy to learn and even has a quick training session at the beginning. There are some different things you can do while behind cover. You can shoot blindly to avoid getting hit, you can peek out the side to get a more accurate shot, and you can change positions crouching to remain undercover. These are just some of the elements the Gameplay offers. The only downside is that at sometimes it could work a little more smoothly. For example sometimes when you are ambushed you’ll try to quickly take cover, but certain spots where you can get cover directly ahead or to the left, the game might have trouble putting you were you want to be. It’s not really bad it’s a very small rough point in the Gameplay and it is another spot that if it had a little more time in development it would be flawless. The graphics are another point that could be touched up with more development time. The textures aren’t the more realistic or best looking and the characters aren’t either. Even the CG at times looks like it needs to be worked on. Particularly a seen where your character is holding his dying wife and it is a blank white back round to try to make it more meaningful because it is a big part of the story and the characters look horrible and it makes you not care about what’s going on and tough to watch. The music is ok, which isn’t a huge part of an action game anyway. It works well enough though. The voice acting is acceptable at best. Nothing to awful sound but at times when it is necessary to deliver the actors don’t pull it off a great performance or anything. The biggest flaw in the game is that it is 6 hours long with 15 short mini stages and 5 or 6 real stages. To try to make the game longer they didn’t bother with any checkpoints and like to throw something at the end of the stage by surprise to try to kill you so you have to redo the whole stage. Overall, the game feels rushed and underdeveloped. It has a lousy story, but it is still a pretty decently fun game to play. The stage formula definitely needs to be worked with, but this whole game definitely needed more time in development.