A solid platformer that's a must own for anyone who had/has a Gameboy.

User Rating: 8 | Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters GB
I never played the original NES game, so I really have nothing to compare this to. I will say this though: This game has a strange range of difficulty. I was stuck on the Minotaur for YEARS as a kid (seriously, I think I got this game when I was about 8 or 9 and didn't beat it until I was 11 on my Super Gameboy). Oddly enough, everything prior and after the Minotaur's lair seemed like a breeze in comparison. Which is surprising, since I had literally forgot how any of the levels looked outside of the Minotaur's lair up to that point (which is pathetically like around 3)! I remember the level being so hard that once I got to the Minotaur, he owned me almost every time with ease. Even all of the bosses and their lairs (including the final) after him didn't give me as much problems being how I didn't get stuck on them. Besides this, the game is pretty awesome and its kind of fun collecting armor all through the game in preparation for the final boss fight (trust me, it definately comes in handy).

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Two words: Eggplant Wizard!
- Solid Platforming action
- Cool/Eerie looking bosses
- Cool power up abilities

What's Not-So-Good:

- The name "Pit" and his evil clones "Put" (lol)
- Level 1-4: The Minotaur's Lair = A royal pain in the @ss

What's Bad:

- The ending

In all, once conquering the Minotaur after a 3 year on and off battle...the game was great and one of the most fun that I've owned for the Gameboy.