Where have all the puzzle games gone?

User Rating: 8.4 | Meikyuu Jima NES
Back in the old days, with the SNES and NES reigning supreme, there were a plethora of good puzzle games out there, meant to test one's mind and ability to reason through a series of problems logically and wasn't ultra-heavy on the hand-eye coordination or ability to aim a gun at someone.

This is one of those puzzle games, a classic that unfortunately not many people have heard of. The concept is simple: Use your magical ice powers to create ice cubes and ice pillars to work your way towards three magical bags, which you must collect to move on to the next level, and thus free the random fruits and foods from their captivity at the hands of the Snow King...or something like that. The story doesn't really matter, what matters is that the game is fun and, at some points, can be challenging.

Games like this don't exist anymore, unfortunately...today's gamer doesn't want a simple game that forgoes flashy graphics and in-depth story to provide pure puzzle entertainment...such a shame, but at least those of us who still own an NES can dust it off occasionally and partake in the games of times past, simpler times when games were (arguably) better games because they had to rely on gameplay and innovation and not just flashy graphics.